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Hello! I am Sally Anne!


I am a Paleo eater which means I pile my plate with vegetables, meat, fruit, and healthy fats in the forms of coconut, avocado, olives, and nuts/seeds.

Conversely, I avoid dairy, gluten, grains of all kind, legumes, sugar, and anything processed. While you might think this sounds crazy, for the first time in 5 years I do not have a stomach ache every day! I have energy and I am no longer bloated–hooray!

You definitely DO NOT need to be a Paleo eater to enjoy this blog. Many of my recipes are made for non-Paleo eaters (like my husband, Chase).

I like to create recipes that focus on boosting my daily vegetable count! However, taste is always of the utmost importance!

I will also be talking about running, about races, and about Frugal Frog Friday Challenges! I hope you enjoy!




19 responses »

  1. Sally Anne! Your name is too cute. I probably like it because we have the same middle name. Go Annes! Lol. I was trying to stalk you out and figure out what you teach. 🙂

  2. Hello Paleo Anne. I have never heard of this diet before so I feel compelled to thank you for educating me about it.

    Hope you enjoy your stay in Florida.

  3. Hey girl, just came across your blog! I definitely have tried out paleo before or have tried to incorporate a lot of elements into my life. But it’s definitely harder to as a student (time, $$$)! Any tips?

    Can’t wait to read more!

    • Hi! Thank you for reading! I actually have found eating Paleo to be equal the cost, if not cheaper than the SAD (Standard American Diet). You can check out some of my Frugal Frog posts. Also, all of my Paleo recipes on the blog are very inexpensive and often end up costing no more than $2/serving. Processed food is PRICEY and if you pick in season fruits and veggies you can save a lot of money! Keep me posted!

  4. Pingback: WIAW | Health Freak College Girl

  5. a lot of my friends do paleo! I’m glad I found your site. you’re so upbeat and positive! 🙂

  6. So glad I just found your blog! After being a vegetarian for many years I just decided to go Paleo so I’m looking forward to perusing your sight for inspiration! yay!

  7. A little late to the party but I have just found your blog and LOVING it so far! I’m just starting to explore this way of eating (fellow fitness freak 🙂 ) and early days but I can tell you I sooooooo understand on the first time NOT having a stomach ache/bloating EVERY SINGLE DAY (turns out I have a pretty severe gluten and soy intolerance, and beans of any description are a no-go, established via trial and error) on a veggie diet (tried every possible variant of this by the way!) LOVING looking through your posts for meal ideas/inspiration, also currently loving that people look at me like I have three heads for eating more than one yolk or more than a quarter avocado (who does that, a quarter? really?) Anyway this has turned into a major ramble, just really wanted to say hey and as a paleo newbie(ish)! really looking forward to catching up on your posts for info! 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your comment! I am sorry I am so late to respond! For some reason the “About” page comments have a tendency to get lost! It sounds like we have a TON in common! And I am always thrilled to meet another egg yolk and TONS of avocado lover. 🙂 🙂 Do you have a blog?

      • Thank you for the reply!! I’m currently working on a blog set-up, think it’s time to join the fun! 😉 it’s a work in progress! loving your site though, and using posts for my own personal meal/recipe inspiration as I’m really still in the newbie-ish stages of this way of eating!! soooo helpful to have some “real person” ideas if you know what I mean!! 🙂

  8. Loving this! I am so happy I came across your blog! I’ve done paleo, on and off for about a year but I’ve had some problems with it. I think it’s such a great “diet” and I’m excited to see your take on the whole concept 🙂 Cheeers!

  9. Are you on Facebook or interest?

  10. Pinterest, I meant!


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