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The 25 Holiday List

25 Questions: Holiday Edition! 
I was reading Brittany’s blog, Little b’s Healthy Habits, and she had this AMAZING “25 Questions” list about Christmas. I am TOTALLY in the holiday spirit as we are leaving for the Midwest tomorrow! It always feels like Christmas when we are back at home!  So here are my answers:
1. Egg nog or Hot chocolate?
DEFINITELY hot cocoa. I LOVE it! Also, I like marshmallows on hot chocolate. I love when they start to disintegrate. However, I would not turn down fresh whipped cream. Yummmmy!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Santa wraps and very well, I might add. However, when I was little, the BIG gifts, like the Barbi dream house was beautifully set out by Santa.
Yep, that my my dream house! I was pumped! 🙂
3. Colored lights or white?
I LOVE colored lights; however, Chase prefers only white lights. He thinks it looks classier. I believe that there is a time and a place for class–Christmas tree lights are not one of them. 🙂
4. Do you hang mistletoe? 
Nope! However, in Kentucky, mistletoe grows on all of the trees. Lots of kissing in Kentucky!
5. When do you hang your decorations up?
Typically, we hang them up around December 1st; however, we have very few Christmas decorations. We always go back home to Louisville and St Louis for about two weeks around Christmas, so it seems awkward buy a bunch of decorations. Basically, I am too pragmatic! However, I do love this years new decoration!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (not dessert)
Does Turkey count?
For the past few years I have been a vegetarian, so this year I am going to make up for my past. For some reason I cannot get enough roasted poultry!
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
On December 23rd, my family would get all dressed up and we would go downtown to see the “Christmas Carol” by Dickens. However, the past two years we have re-started this tradition (on a different day) because one of the adorable girls I used to nanny is IN the production. She started playing the harp after I came home from college talking about my harp lessons and now she is AMAZING (FAR better than I am).  She acts and plays music in the production. I feel like I know a celebrity. 🙂
8. What is on your Christmas wish list?
These 2 items from Banana Republic
Thank you Santa Mumsie, for already putting these under the tree for me!
(My mom is my fashion adviser and she actually made me try both of these on over Thanksgiving and then told me to forget I ever saw them….!)
I LOVE the buttons on the neck
The lines on this coat are gorgeous!
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
We used to always do this in Kentucky, but the past 4 years that we have been married we have been in St. Louis. This year, we are going to be in Kentucky so I think the tradition will be renewed!
10. How do you decorate your tree?
With LOTS of sentimental ornaments! And fake cranberry beads–I love them!
11. Real tree or fake?
We would buy a real tree every year until I was 10, then we bought a fake one. Sadness. I always dreamed of going to THIS girl’s family farm to get our tree. (The farm is GORGEOUS!) When Chase and I have kids, we are totally doing the whole “chop down a tree and drink cocoa” shenanigans.
12. Snow. Love it or dread it?
I dread it with all of my heart. We received 60 inches last year and I lost that loving feeling. I am jaded. 😦
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Probably the Barbi dream house from the picture above!
14. Most important thing about Christmas?
Being with my family, showing love to others, and remembering the reason for the season. (I realize that this is a completely hackneyed response, but it is SO true)
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Well, it used to be the chocolate/buttercream cake I would back for Mumsie’s Christmas birthday. Since going Paleo, I have no idea what my favorite dessert will be/could be. Maybe pecan pie, hold the crust?
16. What is your favorite tradition?
There are too many to choose! However, I do love the gingerbread house competition. I plan on bringing my A game this year!
17. What tops your tree?
A STAR!!! 🙂
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
A little bit of both. I have always had fun giving presents–even when I was little.
However, I do love getting presents, too! I am not gonna lie… 🙂
19. Favorite Christmas song?
This song covered by Coldplay is AMAZING.
I also love Dave Matthews’ Christmas Song
20. Candy Canes. Yes or no?
YES! I love a good candy cane!
21. Favorite Christmas movie?
It is is dead die between:
(The edited version is the best…as there are some crass elements that make me a smidgen uncomfortable).
22. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Celebrating Mumsie’s BIRTHDAY!!!! YAY!
23. Online shopping or at the mall?
Mall. All the way. I LOVE the mall!
24. Christmas letter or Christmas Card?
For the first time ever, we sent out a Christmas card. It was fun!
25. What do you leave for Santa?
Cookie and Milk for Santa. Carrots for the reindeer!
What are YOUR answers?!?!?I would love to know! Am I the only one who still loves presents?! Any good Christmas movie recommendations?

About paleorunnergirl

I am obsessed with cooking, running and reading! I teach American Literature at the college level, but enjoy books of all kind! After years of GI issues and being prescribed numerous medications, I found perfection in eating Paleo! I am no longer bloated, nauseous, or miserable on a daily basis. I have delved into creating Paleo recipe-making and embracing an active and playful life!

17 responses »

  1. I’ve seen this survey on quite a few blogs! I’m planning on completing it myself! 🙂

  2. Elf is my favorite, too!! I can never get enough of that movie!

  3. The Ref is such a hilarious film!

  4. Ahhh! Thanks for the shout out girl! I refuse to buy a fake tree!

    Elf is hands down my favorite!! And I love that banana jacket! So cute 🙂

  5. I just learned so much. 60 INCHES OF SNOW! Holy cow! That would leave me a tad jaded too- I’ll let your answer slide for that kind of snow. However, I will still be dreaming of a white Christmas and a hot choclate morning!

  6. Wasn’t this fun!? I think I like talking (writing) about myself a little too much 🙂

  7. I love this!! Mind if I put this on my blog as well, what a cute idea!! I’ll have to watch The Ref, never seen it!

  8. Muppet Christmas Carol is my all time favorite Christmas movie.

  9. Is Mumsie your mom? MY MOM’s b-day is on Christmas. 🙂 Love this. Christmas is. so. fun!!!!

    • Your mom is ALSO a Christmas BABY? how did I not connect the dots? Mumsie/Mum/Mom/Mama (all names I call my mother) is totally pumped for her birthday. We always try to do a birthday breakfast and a special dinner the night before or after. What do y’all do?

  10. so cute!! i think i need to make a gingerbread house this year. i havent made one prob since i was like, 10. my favorite xmas movie is definitely christmas vacation…we watch it every year!!

    those banana clothes are SO cute btw…hope you get them! oh and definitely hot cocoa…im not a huge fan of eggnog. or maybe peppermint mocha from starbucks? mmmm

  11. I’m a big fan of A Christmas Story and The Snowman … I’m not sure if anyone has heard of the Snowman … I think it may be from my dad’s childhood. We have to keep a VCR just so we can watch this every year! haha.

  12. I love that pic of you when you’re little giving a present! So adorable!

    I love Elf, but Love Actually is probably my fave holiday movie 🙂

  13. You are too cute – I love you!!!


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