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Back and Blogging!

Hello Dear Bloggy Friends!

I have missed the blog world and am SO excited to get back to it!

We have had a very crazy month, but things are going well and I haven’t even lost my mind yet! 🙂

In between juggling work and other responsibilities, we have been trying to do some last minute activities before we move.  A few weekends ago we went to New Jersey to see the longest miniature train in the world.  It was….an experience. 🙂

It was literally 8 miles of tiny train tracks with tons of miniature villages.

It was insane. Not necessarily my personal passion, but it was an experience and definitely a memory.

After I finished my last day with the twinnies (I only cried a little…), I went home to Kentucky to take Mumsie to a doctor’s appointment in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

On our long trip, we stopped in Asheville, North Carolina.  Neither one of us had been to Asheville and we had a lovely little visit. We stayed in a little Bed and Breakfast, the Beaufort House Inn.

It was so gorgeous!

It was a beautiful inn! The rooms were delightful and the bathroom was even more spectacular.

Having never spent much time in Western North Carolina, I never realized the amazingness of the mountains! We stopped by The Grove Park Inn, which was also incredible.

Our little stop in Asheville was a perfect respite before enduring doctor’s appointments.  However, Mumsie was a total champ.  Chase and my dad came down as well–it was a family affair.

In an effort to literally and figuratively sweeten our experience, I outlined a cupcake tour of North Carolina.  We stopped by as many cupcakeries as possible on our trip–there was a tremendous amount of buttercream frosting consumed by yours truly.

Our first stop was Magpies in Knoxville, TN (on our road trip):

The frosting was quite delightful!

We also stopped by several cupcake shops in Asheville.

We had great hopes for the Cupcake Corner–they even had German Chocolate cupcakes:

However, the frosting was TERRIBLE.  It was the biggest disappointment EVER.

I returned from my  trip to Kentucky/North Carolina just a few days ago and feel a little bit of a  frosting/sugar overload!  I am actually trying a bit of a detox to help usher in a more strictly paleo period.  My stomach has been going a bit nuts and I am ready to feel 100% again.  It is funny because I know what makes me feel healthy–I just need to pursue it!  With Chase’s graduation festivities this week, it will be a bit of a struggle to remain strict paleo, but I am going to try my hardest! I will post details tomorrow!

What have YOU all been up to?! I cannot wait to catch up with everyone!




About paleorunnergirl

I am obsessed with cooking, running and reading! I teach American Literature at the college level, but enjoy books of all kind! After years of GI issues and being prescribed numerous medications, I found perfection in eating Paleo! I am no longer bloated, nauseous, or miserable on a daily basis. I have delved into creating Paleo recipe-making and embracing an active and playful life!

9 responses »

  1. ittybitsofbalance

    Yey! I was so happy to see your little name light up in my Google Reader!
    It looks like you’ve been having quite the adventurous time, especially with that cute little bed & breakfast! When I was looking into cities for my post-graduate move, Asheville was towards the top of the list. Soo many people have raved about it!
    Glad to have you back, Sally Anne 🙂 Are you not working as much this summer?

  2. So happy to see that you are back! I know what you mean, I know what I need to avoid to stay healthy… but sometimes it’s so darn hard!

  3. What an adorable little B&B! My best friend is stationed at Ft. Bragg and has gone up to Asheville for a couple weekend getaways and she is always telling me how cute it is there! Maybe when I get out there to visit her I can convince her to take me out there! 🙂

    Congrats to Chase! Enjoy the festivities and don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t end up a perfectly paleo week – he only graduates from med school once (thankfully)!

  4. I was wondering when you’d make your return!!! 🙂

  5. Sally Anne! I’ve missed you! Looks like you had a lovely trip! I’m home for the summer and babysitting my heart out! Good luck to Chase!

  6. So glad to see you’re doing well! …. That bed and breakfast must have been amazing! Mmmmm, cupcakes- bummer about the yucky frosting though. I hate when I look froward to something and it’s a complete flop.
    Nice to hear from you Sally Anne! 🙂

  7. isnt asheville amazing?! that is the way we drove through when moving here, so unfortunately we didnt get to stop and check stuff out (after breaking down, being that close we were SO anxious to be on the home stretch to our new home!) but we definitely have plans on going over there (its about 2 1/2 horus from us) its SO nice!
    glad you had fun and a little break 🙂

  8. Welcome back my love!! How I have missed your beautifully simply upbeat posts.. not to mention frosting critiques. I hope all is okay with Mumsie too. xoxo

  9. whoo.. for a second i thought you BOUGHT that house. fun place to stay!! welcome back! we missed you!!!


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