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Fact: You Cannot Cry with Chocolate Pudding in your Mouth

Change makes me cry.

This is a fact that is simply irrefutable.

Change #1:

A week from Monday is my last day with these two beauties:

I keep talking to them about the fact that I am moving away and both promptly shake their heads and say “No.”  It is super cute.  They turned 20 months old on Wednesday–I have known them for all 20 months.  My heart hurts just thinking about not seeing these girls on a weekly basis.

Change #2:

I was officially offered a long term full time position at the graduate school where I work.  While this is a happy change in many respects, it means that I have my first official adult career.  It also means that my computer is my new BFF.  I am ALWAYS grading papers.


Change #3:

Five months ago I accepted (as in signed the contract) an adjuncting job at another university teaching American literature to begin in May.  Five months ago I had no idea I would ALSO have a full time job on top of teaching so I happily signed up to teach not one but TWO courses at the same time.  Right now I am scrambling to read the 400 page textbook and figure out my lesson plans.  I adore teaching American lit but I am TERRIFIED as I have never taught at this university and never taught this curriculum before.

Change #4:

Chase will officially be a doctor in less than 4 weeks.  Yep, after 4 LONG years, this guy is graduating from medical school.

Change #5:

Four, yes FOUR days after Chase graduates, we move to Bethesda, MD.  We bid farewell to Bethlehem and move for the fourth time in 5 years.

In case you are wondering, this means that in May I will be saying goodbye to the twinnies, working my full-time job, teaching two literature courses, celebrating Chase’s graduation (and hosting his entire family), and moving to another state. Guys, I have to be honest–blogging is going to be a bit sparse for the next 6-8 weeks.  I promise that life will eventually calm down and I will once again be a devoted blogger.

Commence crying NOW.

Enter the desperate need for pudding because we all know you can’t cry with chocolate pudding in your mouth.  Especially if it is my practically Paleo, gluten-free, tastes-like-brownie-batter, chocolate pudding.


I adapted the brilliant Dorie Greenspan’s recipe from this lovely cooking tome:

(This is the type of cookbook that you read.  It has spectacular anecdotes and a plethora of pictures–LOVE).

The ingredients are incredibly easy and you probably have them in your pantry RIGHT now.


2 1/4 cups Coconut Milk (or any other type of milk–however, I recommend a thicker milk = full-fat coconut milk or whole cow’s milk)

7 tbsp sugar

2 heaping tbsp cocoa

2 tbsp cornstarch

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg

2 egg yolks

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

2 tbsp butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

1) Combine 2 cups milk and 3 tbsp sugar in a pot and gradually bring to a gentle boil stirring occasionally.


2) As the milk is heating up, combine the corn starch, cocoa, 2 tbsp cocoa & salt and blend together in a blender or food processor (you need a large full processor).


3) After pulsing the dry ingredients until fine.  Add in 1 egg, 2 yolks, and 1/4 cup coconut milk and puree until smooth.

4) After the milk comes to a gentle boil, remove from heat and slowly pour into the chocolate mixture in the blender/processor and puree until smooth and fully combined.

5) Pour mixture back into the pot and heat over medium heat, stirring continually with a whisk until thick (about 3 minutes).

6) Melt chocolate chips in microwave (be sure not to burn them–stir often!)

7) Stir butter and vanilla into the melted chocolate chips and add to the chocolate mixture–return everything to the blender and puree until smooth.

8) Pour into 6-8 ramekins for fancy individual portions (or a larger corning ware if you prefer to just eat spoonfuls every time you pass the fridge) and chill 4 hours.

(FYI: I totally just spooned some into a ramekin for the pretty photo and then spooned it right back into the bowl in the fridge –I am not as fancy as the pictures may lead you to believe).

The pudding will thicken up to an almost pots-de-creme consistency and it truly tastes like brownie-batter–for real.

You need to make this RIGHT NOW.

And I dare you to try to cry with a spoonful of this magic in your mouth.

For me, the next few weeks are going to include MANY spoonfuls of pudding.

About paleorunnergirl

I am obsessed with cooking, running and reading! I teach American Literature at the college level, but enjoy books of all kind! After years of GI issues and being prescribed numerous medications, I found perfection in eating Paleo! I am no longer bloated, nauseous, or miserable on a daily basis. I have delved into creating Paleo recipe-making and embracing an active and playful life!

19 responses »

  1. Oh my goodness! Just reading this post made me overwhelmed! Congrats on your jobs and congrats to Chase! That pudding recipe looks amazing, I’ll be sure to try it when I go home! Let me know if you need any help this summer with a majorly flexible schedule so I can help with whatever you need! You can do this Sally Anne!

  2. Sooo many changes .. but for the better!! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait for everything to unfold 🙂 I already know it’s going to be amazing!

    And yum. I want some of that pudding … NOW 😉

  3. Aw, that is a TON of change in a very short period of time. Hang in there! You’ll be all settled into your “new life” soon!

  4. ittybitsofbalance

    Oh wow! It sounds like you have quite the busy next few weeks, but I know that you will get through all of it 🙂

    And congratulations to Chase!!!

  5. Wow lots of great things going on in your life! My fiance has the best advice ever — just remember that worrying or stressing about things isn’t going to change anything, so why do it? 🙂

  6. Oh girlie, that is *so* much to take in! Life can move pretty fast and sometimes it doesn’t even allow you the time to take it all in- find your quiet time somewhere in there. Good things will come your way as this new page is being turned! Congrats to Chase! That is *super* amazing!

  7. Brownie batter!?! I can get on that boat. We’ll be waiting for your return my dear… and good luck with the chaos. On the upside, chaotic times always go by REALLY fast!!!

  8. Ooo. I feel you on all the crazy changes. THey definitely require pudding!!!!!!

  9. Holy Cow girl! That is a lot…but how exciting for Chase! And for your job! Will it be overwhelming…yes..but you can totally handle it! Enjoy this new chapter in your lives 🙂

  10. Good luck with everything, Sally Anne! 🙂

  11. Oh man! I wont lie, I will miss ya!!! But life happens, and all of your changes are so exciting! Once you get settled into a new routine you will feel good again, trust me!!
    So exciting for you guys!

  12. Ok, not going to lie – the first bit made me tear up, thinking about leaving the kiddos I currently nanny. Why is it so easy to get attached to those tiny humans? I hope you’re enjoying your last couple of days with them 🙂

    Also, major congrats to you and your man! I hope your transition goes swimmingly and you get all settled in as soon as possible. Take care, lady!

  13. That is a LOT of changes, but just remember that with every new door closing another (great big one!) opens for you. You are such an amazing person with a great personality; you will do great at whatever you do and where ever you live. Just be sure to take some time, ,take a deep breath, and smile at where you have been and where you are going. Congrats to you and your hubby; medical school….freaking amazing!


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